Penthos is out now on Windows, Mac and Linux!
Go to https://cruelhouse.itch.io/penthos to download,
free of charge! We hope you enjoy!
“In the light I had worked so long to fill the vacancy,
now in darkness, I began to lose myself.”
- Unknown

Hidden away in the mountains of Colorado lies a small town called Walpole.
Where everyone knows your name, and no one ever leaves,
because no one ever tries.
The store’s just around the corner. One school, no fuss. It’s a simple life.
Or, at least…
it was.
Three murders in the span of ten days. It’s a tragedy larger than they’ve ever had - larger than they know how to deal with. The police are powerless to stop it.
As things continue to get worse, the people of Walpole have unanimously decided: ignorance is bliss.
But it can’t end like this. Someone’s gotta do something.
Conspiracy theorist extraordinaire, hungry for the truth. An obsession with UFO’s and the Grassy Knoll has evolved into a desire to find the identity of the killer ravaging the town he grew up in.
And when he needs a helping hand for his investigation, he turns to…
A shrinking violet, who is more than comfortable spending her life on the sidelines. The spotlight was meant for others; she plays her part in the background.
Or at least, she used to. But whether she likes it or not, she finds herself drawn closer to this mystery than she ever hoped.

YUMI. The most impeccably dressed fashionista in all of Walpole - which, in a town of khaki shorts and concert tees, is a low bar she jumps with leaps and bounds.

AXEL. The angry inch of the group, a brash punk with their back turned to the world - but to their closest friends, they're more bark than bite.

GURO. Head empty, no thoughts - getting by on the simple things and staying away from drama. Like Agnes, comfortable in the background.

HELENA. Friend of a friend - enigmatic and something of a trickster, avoiding the pack in favor of her own agenda.
This town has a secret.
A darkness is enveloping their small, simple lives.
Is it a new evil?
Or has it always been there?
Something is hiding.
In the streets, in their homes.
It’s coming.
And when it does…
Their lives will never be the same.
Meet the people. Discover the history. Uncover the truth.
Hear the name…

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